Passing on What Was Received

In Sermon Outlines by Rachel Schultz

Passing on What Was Received

Theme: “The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper was given to commemorate the great deliverance wrought out as the result of the death of Christ. It is the means by which His great work for us is to be kept fresh in our minds until He shall come the second time in power and glory” (Desire of Ages, 652-653).

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 11:23-34

Hymn: By Christ Redeemed

I. Whose Supper Is It?
A. The elements refer to Jesus. — 1 Cor. 11:23-34
1. The bread refers to His body. — v. 24
2. The wine refers to His blood. — v. 25
B. It was instituted by Jesus. — 1 Cor. 11:23-26
1. The word “supper” points to Jesus. — Luke 22:20
2. It is commonly called “the Lord’s Supper.”
3. Jesus used the term “My table” also. — Luke 22:30
II. To Whom Was the Supper Given?
A. It was given to the apostles. — Luke 22:14
B. It was intended for the church.
C. The church participated. — Acts 20:7
D. Note the order of occurrences in Acts 2:41-47
1. There was conversion. — v. 41
2. There was baptism. — v. 41
3. There was group involvement. — v. 42
4. There was communion. — v. 42
III. What is the Meaning of the Supper?
A. What happens at the Lord’s Supper?
1. Two common views held today:
(a) Transubstantiation
(1) The elements change into His body and blood.
(2) Grace is received by participation.
(b) Consubstantiation. • the elements do not change but the body and blood are present in them.
B. The meaning as prescribed in Scripture. — 1 Cor. 11:25-26
1. A remembrance of the Lord’s death. — v. 25
2. A memorial of the Lord’s death — v. 26a
3. A prophecy of the Lord’s coming — v. 26b
4. Our response to His invitation to cleanse us and bring us into closer union with Him.


Elder’s Guide, Volume A, General Conference Ministerial Association. Reprinted with permission. Visit the Ministerial Resource Center, GC Ministerial Association to purchase this and many more helpful resources. Better Sermons © 2005-2008. Click here for usage guidelines.